Month: November 2017

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Giving Thanks, but not for what you may think…

Giving Thanks, but not for what you may think…

 I don't know about your life, but I never had a Norman Rockwell anything. Well I take that back...I share his Americana ideal of what I want for myself, my family and for everyone else on the planet. Id like everyone to be seated around the gratitude table of...

Iaculis, purus velit aliquip sequi occaecat

Mauris ut orci dapibus, sollicitudin metus id, facilisis magna. Praesent pellentesque consequat nibh. Ut egestas velit quis ante tincidunt, eget luctus orci tincidunt. Cras massa augue, facilisis sit amet mattis vel, mollis vel neque. Nam maximus laoreet erat, a...



When it feels more true to say #ITSMYFAULT vs #METOO The life and times after abuse, that I call “Surviving the Surviving”  I remember how I struggled with guilt, shame, suicidal thoughts because of my own inner conflict... was I a victim or was it all...

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