National Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888 Or text “HELP” or “INFO” to 233733

Resources for Churches

How We Partner with Faith Communities

Faith-Based Policies & Procedures

Learn how to address the prevention of and response to suspected or disclosed abuse of children.

Free Church Policy Template

We’re humbled in service and proud to announce the formation of a new, vital partnership of faith and facility as part of this community’s fight against the sexual abuse and exploitation of children.

As a follow-up to the recent Keep Maine Kids Safe Conference hosted by First Baptist Church of Portland and Stop Trafficking US, our mission is to provide resources to the faith community joining with us in addressing this vile epidemic.

Please share this with your lay ministers, youth leaders, and key staff. Understanding the church’s exhortations to the human conscience and its duty to guide its congregants and society at large, we’re compelled to engage with our communities and invest in the spiritual and temporal health of God’s people.

As such, church leaders must develop and enact appropriate policies addressing the prevention of and response to suspected or disclosed abuse of children. This protocol not only applies to the ministers, staff and volunteers within the church, but to its congregants and outside involvements as well. Failing to report or otherwise enact appropriate child protection policies not only subjects the faith community to civil lawsuits, but also blatantly shirks a responsibility to our children which falls squarely upon our shoulders.

Stay In-the-Know!


Recommendation Resources


Empowering Christian communities to recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse.

Jewish Sacred Spaces

Builds healthy Jewish communities by partnering with Jewish institutions to prevent and respond to sexual abuse and other abuses of power.

Attend Future Conferences for Faith Communities

We educate faith communities via free 1- to 3- day child exploitation prevention trainings, which are recorded for future use. Discover our upcoming events, held virtually and in person.

Free Church Policy Template

How We Partner with Faith Communities
