Sex Trafficking, Exploitation

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Triggered at TSA

Triggered at TSA

 Have you ever been patted down all over by security? I thought I had been before. You know, an ankle here or there, but never a complete pat down. Wow. That was really intense for me, and I got emotional. I'm not sure why. I think it was because I was...

Surviving the Surviving

Surviving the Surviving

 Each new day used to mean a new day to "survive the after effects of surviving." I call it "surviving the surviving." It took a very long time to train my brain to look at a new day, and frankly everything, in a new way. It doesn't happen overnight or even after...

If You See Something… Say Something

If You See Something… Say Something

 Knowing when and how to "say something" is a learn-able skill. 1. We have to practice to get braver and better, like with any new skill. 2. At first we are probably going to suck at it and sound like an idiot, and then we will get a little better and...

They Already Know the Worst Things I've Done…Now What?!

They Already Know the Worst Things I've Done…Now What?!

 What do you do when you're making new friends? What do you wear? How do you behave? Do you use your best manners? What level of personal depth do you go to in the "getting to know each other conversation?" name is Betty Lou and in my freshman year of...

Healing Can Be a Lifestyle

Healing Can Be a Lifestyle

 Healing is not a destination, depending on one's reaction to trauma. Mind you, NOT the amount of trauma. Healing can be a lifestyle. It can be something you have to dance with every day, or some days, or monthly and seasonally... When something...

When You Are So Deep in the Forest, You Can't See the Trees

When You Are So Deep in the Forest, You Can't See the Trees

 A person who has consistently been mean asked a very close friend of mine if "she stays as far away from social media as possible..." out of embarrassment of being associated with me.Ouch. Everyone. Every one...has secrets, traumas, quirks, challenges,...

Lessons from a Graveyard

Lessons from a Graveyard

 The best therapy workshop I ever did was from an organization called the Hoffman institute. You stay at one of their residential treatment facilities, they have them all over the country, and I believe out of the country…for seven days. All you work on...

Girls On The Run (because they want to) Maine

Girls On The Run (because they want to) Maine

 I was a proud volunteer at one of the coolest…funnest…events ever… Girls On The Run 5 k Parrrrrty! Music and games…. girls, Moms…and Dads…with hair painted neon colors and hot pink tutu’s! From Girls on the Run website: We inspire girls... Girls on the...



 A trigger for me is any stimulus that causes my mind to go back to a memory and experience again a strong positive or negative emotion The Holidays, for example, when The Nutcracker Ballet comes to town … as soon as I see the ads for it or hear the music -...

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