Want to strengthen your self confidence, increase your self esteem? Follow a proven Spiritual path that will call out the wounds in you that needs to be healed the most... and heal you in ways you didn't think possible? Jump on the path of...

Want to strengthen your self confidence, increase your self esteem? Follow a proven Spiritual path that will call out the wounds in you that needs to be healed the most... and heal you in ways you didn't think possible? Jump on the path of...
I have met multi-millionaires who were miserable … I remember, once, I was visiting NYC. On my journey to return home to Maine, I rode a bus that was going to take me to Grand Central Station… it was the year that the U.N. was picketing against Cuba’s Fidel...
25 years ago I fell in love with Iyengar yoga. This particular type of yoga dropped me into my own skin. I was present. It was intimate, nurturing, and emotional. This, combined with many other methods of self-help, was all a part of the “get out of emotional...
The Woman Who Was Abused…no more! The birth of Stop Trafficking ME. Picture Pippi Longstocking, carrying an overly-loved Pooh Bear, dressed like a FABulous drag queen, no shoes, extra lip gloss, dancing around the bonfire before she falls asleep on a...
#MeTooHearing those two words, “me too“ is the equivalent of a secret handshake of the secret Club of Shame. I can’t begin to tell you how many people come up to after one of my talks just to tell me “me too.” My response is always the same… Im sorry that...
A Day in the life of panic This is one of my typical days during the time that my days, and nights were filled with anxiety and panic attacks: Living with active panic attack disorder, for me… There was a dual reality… one that was happening in...
Hi. I Have Anxiety. Can I have the table by the exit door? Once, I was visiting a very good friend from church in Kansas. She lived a couple of towns over. We would chat as our children could played. I think you, young whippersnappers, call it a “play...
Mauris ut orci dapibus, sollicitudin metus id, facilisis magna. Praesent pellentesque consequat nibh. Ut egestas velit quis ante tincidunt, eget luctus orci tincidunt. Cras massa augue, facilisis sit amet mattis vel, mollis vel neque. Nam maximus laoreet erat, a...
“Letting Go” is a process. It’s not a one time, slam dunk, boom, it’s done. I wish it was. But then, healing would be a destination and not a journey. The gifts are given along the way, as we travel, within the journey. I see it like this: I’m not a “gamer”...