The many gatherings of family and friends during the holiday season give parents a special chance to teach their daughters an empowering lesson: you don't owe anyone your physical affection. "The ritual of demanding affection from children on cue is one of those tiny,...
I am so proud to be here in our great nation's capital... The White House, representing sex trafficking and child sexual abuse survivors.... from my home state of Maine. I am here to offer my recommendations, experience, strength and HOPE. I’ve stepped back from this...
Child Abuse makes Children more vulnerable to sexual exploitation. More than 90% of children who are commercially sexually exploited have been sexually abused in the past.81% of child sexual abuse incidents for all ages occur in the one-predator/one-child...
Maine's top 20 Most Outstanding Women are awarded annually by Coast 93.1. In 2019, Catherine Ann Wilson was nominated and awarded this distinguished honor for her tireless work for Stop Trafficking US and Keep Maine Kids Safe.Catherine is a survivor and...
From a student that attended my presentation… This brought tears to my eyes. The message continues long after I leave.... this is so empowering for me, particularly right now. I needed to hear the positive impact I have left in my wake.This strengthens me...
Hurt people hurt people. I know many of you believe that we should kill sexual assault offenders. I don’t. There’s a lot of factors at play here… It’s not black or white. And I’m sad that Epstein killed himself. I’m sad when anybody kills themselves... unless...
Here’s a mind-blowing game from the Hoffman Institute - a 7-day residential therapeutic treatment center. I’m offering it to you for free..it’s simple but SO powerful! Ready? We all get into a line or a row... your position in this line changes by...
Our logo at Stop Trafficking US has been the starfish because it really does optimize what we’re trying to do… save kids …one kid at a time. It matters…it matters to each and every child we save from sexual abuse and exploitation. The story of that little girl...
These parent safety tips are courtesy of the Prevention Task Force of the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation
It's Fathers Day morning and I am unemotional. I'm not angry. I'm not sad. I'm not resentful. I'm not jealous of other people's joy. I'm right here in my own skin listening to the birds, watching my dogs. I'm good. Like many little girls, I...
I love Sunrises. OK, maybe I’m slightly obsessed…. maybe I post sunrises on Facebook most every day… but doesn’t everyone? No? Ok… anyway… I love new beginnings, like New Year's. Do you have a New Year's bucket list dream?I do.... The Breakers Hotel in Palm...