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JUNE 2023 – Freedom

JUNE 2023 – Freedom

Freedom. This word makes me think Dr. Frankel who wrote the book called “A Mans Search For Meaning”. He was enslaved by Nazis. They killed his family. Starved and tortured him. He witnessed the most horrific atrocities imaginable… daily. He survived and was set free…...



First grade sexually abused by a school administrator. Then, like some sort of energetic “blood in shark infested water” a domino effect of repeated abused over many years in my young childhood. This ramped up as I wandered into more dangerous situations as a runaway....

Be careful what you pray for! You just might get it!

Be careful what you pray for! You just might get it!

Hi! Happy January 2023! I am writing from living room floor in the house we rented in SW Florida for 90 days! I am enjoying the result of my husbands goal setting. He writes down his goals every year for decades. What’s most impressive is the fact he reaches them …...

Do the best you can… And then let it go.

Do the best you can… And then let it go.

Hi I am sitting in my she shed office of love here along the woods and shore of Sebago Lake lower bay. I am surrounded by piles of stuff and large Post-it pad with names of speakers email addresses and the target agenda for the upcoming in person conference October 21...

Blog of love

Blog of love

Happy Summer everyone! With as much dysfunction going on globally, it is extra groovy to have the gift of sunshine, warm weather, the sights and sounds of nature that remains a consistent teacher and healer for me. A year and a half ago, April 3 2021, I received my...

Choosing A Beautiful State

Choosing A Beautiful State

Can you remember when you felt amazing? Life probably wasn’t perfect, but how much did you really care at the time? *Pause reading for just a minute and give yourself the gift of letting yourself “RE MEMBER” =  FEEL how great that feeling was. So good, right? Im...



Waiting. If how we do anything, is how we do everything… how do you do “waiting”? Science has shown that our biology doesn’t know the difference between stress caused by a positive or negative event. I can’t speak for you, but for me, under stress I can be a control...

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