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So much bad news…

So much bad news…

It’s so easy to focus on what’s wrong, what’s broken, what’s not working, the violence... people speaking with hate, the media perpetuating "bad news" ....about the situations and people “out there” and then we focus on what's wrong, broken, in ourselves... about...

A little secret about happiness

A little secret about happiness

    Stories.  Everyone has a story or a blueprint in their mind about their life should like to mean, or equal happiness. "I won't be truly fulfilled unless I am married to a doctor named Johnathon, live in the suburbs of...

Stop Trafficking US Goals, Accomplishments & Opportunities

Stop Trafficking US Goals, Accomplishments & Opportunities

2017 has been a fantastic year for Stop Trafficking ME, I'm pleased to report!  To recap: Year 1, 2015, Stop Trafficking ME and I  joined anti-trafficking groups, volunteered weekly  at the local youth corrections center (jail), spoke at...

Giving Thanks, but not for what you may think…

Giving Thanks, but not for what you may think…

 I don't know about your life, but I never had a Norman Rockwell anything. Well I take that back...I share his Americana ideal of what I want for myself, my family and for everyone else on the planet. Id like everyone to be seated around the gratitude table of...

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